The Indigenous Tourism Collaborative of the Americas is a network of representatives from Indigenous organizations and tourism industry organizations including travel companies, ministries of tourism, state tourism offices, tourism nonprofits, Tribal colleges and academia.
The collaborative is steered by the George Washington University International Institute of Tourism Studies, the Organization of American States and the U.S. Department of the Interior, supported by the Office of Indian Economic Development and the White House Council on Native American Affairs.
We envision a future where Indigenous communities across the Americas benefit from sustainable tourism development—where tourism provides a path to…
- Greater awareness and understanding
- Economic growth
- The protection of cultural heritage and natural resources
- Self-determination
- Healing
- Reunification
"Join us on the ground floor of this evolution in travel, supporting your Indigenous communities and tourism industry leaders to create a new tourism network of strength, knowledge, and vision. Let us work together to reconstruct and rebuild a prosperous and resilient Indigenous tourism economy."
Kathryn Isom-Clause, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Interior
To achieve our vision, network participants meet regularly to explore opportunities, share challenges, exchange ideas, tools and resources and establish actionable priorities. We also organize the Indigenous Tourism Forum of the Americas.
The collaborative’s first priority project is our extensive indigenous tourism eLibrary, which contains an easily accessible, comprehensive inventory of tools and information to help Indigenous people, their stakeholders and partners contribute to and benefit from sustainable tourism. We are expanding our collection on a rolling basis. Indigenous and tourism organizations are encouraged to continue sharing resources that could be useful to others.
"Because tourism can provide a pathway to the economic wellbeing of Indigenous communities, this collaborative is a vital and timely platform for the exchange of inspiring ideas, information, experiences and knowledge."
Denise Litz, Office of Indian Economic Development, Bureau of Indian Affairs
In October 2020, nearly 300 Indigenous tourism organizations, travel entrepreneurs and academics participated in a ground-breaking forum to discuss the challenges Indigenous communities across the Americas face and the opportunity that tourism can provide in driving sustainable economic development. Indigenous leaders were so inspired by the exchanges, that they agreed to found the Indigenous Tourism Collaborative of the Americas as a way to continue driving progress.

Cooperativa Integral de Servicios Especiales de Turismo, Senderos del Alto

Native Elements Environmental & Cultural Restoration